Hibari 探究プロジェクト - 雲雀丘学園中学校・高等学校

グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕



Today, we learned about Australian environment. Resources are not unlimited, so we mustn't use too much. For example, don't leave the water out also, don't cut too much trees and so on. We thought that we have to know about the environment issues.
And we saw some birds and plants. It was hard to find them but I could take some pictures. There are a lot of birds I have never seen in Japan. We could get in touch nature, so it was so good!!
See you tomorrow.

明日も体調に気をつけて頑張りましょう。また明日。(高校1年K. N.)

  • aus5-1.jpeg

Do you know that Australia is called the bird kingdom. There are various rare birds in Australia. For example Emu. Emu is very big birds. It's about 2 meters. It's a birds, but it can't fly. Today we went garden. There were many a lot of birds I had never seen. There was a creature like a moray eel in the pond. I will enjoy the remaining days.(高校2年S. K.)

Today's B group studied English by morning tea. We learned about environmental. But, it is easily because there are common problem in Japan. Also, we can participate happily while talking to many students through plays and games. After that, there was morning tea time, and when the morning tea was over, they went to the whole school meeting and introduced us to us. I was very happy to see junior high school plays and dances. After having lunch, I went to the park near the school. It was a valuable experience to see birds and flowers, and I think I got a little tired.

今日のBグループはモーニングティーまでにイングリッシュクラスで英語の勉強をしました。環境のことを主に習いましたが、日本でも共通する部分はたくさんあったのでわかりやすかったです。また、劇やゲームなどもしてたくさん生徒同士で話しあいながら楽しく参加することができました。そのあとモーニングティーの時間があり、モーニングティーがおわると全校集会に行って私たちのことを紹介してくださいました。中学生の劇やダンスも見れてすごく嬉しかったです。昼食をとったあと学校の近くの公園にいきました。鳥やお花を見れて貴重な体験になったし、少しの疲れもとれたとおもいます。(高校2年C. U.)
