Hibari 探究プロジェクト - 雲雀丘学園中学校・高等学校

グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕






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(高2 Y.M)

■Today, we had two classes in this morning. There are three Japanese and five Italians in my class. Classmates

aren't native English speakers but they are very well, so it's difficult for me to listen. In this afternoon, we went to Epic, which ia a museum about the Irish emigration. I knew there were many famous people who had roots in Ireland. After dinner, Italked with an international student who is Italians and does a homestay in the same house. We taught native language each other.

It's cold in Ireland so I am comfottable and the days are very long so I can do many things in a day. However, I'm not used to eating mashed potatoed, bread and snacks. Iwent to eat rice and many kinds of vegetables.Ireland people and classmates are very kind and talking with them is very fun so Iwant to communicate more.


(高2 K.S)

(高2 K.S)
