Hibari 探究プロジェクト - 雲雀丘学園中学校・高等学校

グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕


中学生 海外研修代替プログラム(グローバル体感キャンプ)3日目

Today was the last day of the Global Experience Camp.

After doing some warm up activities, they spent the morning working with their buddies in their groups to make a presentation about their experiences over the last two days. The rules for these presentations were simple: no scripts and everyone must speak! Working together using Google Drive on their iPads, they prepared slides using pictures from the trip the day before and information from their buddies about their buddies' home countries.

グローバルキャンプの最終日、朝のウォームアップ活動後は、最終プレゼンに向けて、留学生とともに準備をしました。①原稿なし、②全員が話す、というプレゼンのルールをもとに、Google スライドを使って発表準備を進めていきました。

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After this, they practiced together so that they could speak smoothly and confidently.

Finally, at 2pm, it was show time! First, Team Matcha, then Team Japakistan and last Team Strawberry gave their presentations. They introduced their teams and their buddies. They told us about differences between Japan and Uganda, Pakistan and Bulgaria. And, they talked about their adventures in Sasayama.


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Simply put, their presentations were amazing! They were interactive with quizzes for the audience and entertaining skits. They also had great content and were genuinely interesting. For example, did you know that in Uganda they eat green bananas that acually taste like rice? How about the national flower of Pakistan? Well, it's jasmine! And, did you know that you can make delicious sweet jam from roses? Well, people do in Bulgaria! Finally, the presentation delivery was fantastic. The English was clear and the students had great body language. Good job!

After the presentations, students gave and recevied certificates of completion and gave thank you messages to the buddies. Finally, they said good bye and went home with their treasured memories and a valuable experience to take into their futures.



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This last point is one of the goals of our Global Research Division and was stressed by the activity facilitator: being able to communicate with people from other countries using English is a key skill in the global world in which we live. As such, the participants in this program have taken a great step towards being Japan's active global citizens one day.

