Hibari 探究プロジェクト - 雲雀丘学園中学校・高等学校

グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕


2021年度 第4回即興型英語ディベート

September 29th (Wed.), the fourth PDA session was held. This time, the students were told to organize their ideas using the AREA pattern. AREA stands for Assertion Reason Example Assertion and is a common way of organizing ideas in academic English. First, the speaker says their team's opinion. Then, they give a reason or reasons. Then, they explain those reasons using examples. Finally, they restate their team's opinion.


AREA Example for the motion "We should outsource coaching of club activities.":


Assertion: We believe we should outsource coaching of club activities.


Reason: We think this because the coaches who come to our school will be experts in their clubs skills. This will help our clubs achieve better results.


Example: For example, I am a member of the rugby club. Unfortunately, the teachers who are in charge of the rugby club have never played rugby and cannot teach us well. If we had a coach from outside the school who had rugby skills and experience, our club could become stronger. 例:自分はラグビー部の所属している。クラブの顧問は残念ながらラグビー経験がないので教えることができない。もし外部からラグビーの技術や経験をもつコーチが来てくれたら、クラブは強くなれる。

Assertion: Achieving better results is one reason why we believe we should outsource coaching of club activities at schools. 


The first debate motion was "Fast food should be banned." and the second was "We should spend more money on space exploration." This time, the debates seemed espcially active and it is clear that because the students have already debated six times, they are becoming comfortable with the PDA format and using English to debate. Observing teachers noticed many positive points today: evidence of team work, e.g. passing or showing notes to each other with ideas for rebuts; longer speeches with many speakers reaching the time limit; more POIs; and use of the note-taking ideas suggested in the third meeting.

最初の論題は、「ファーストフードは禁止すべきである」、2つめの論題は「我々は宇宙探検にもっとお金を使うべきである」でした。 既に6回の練習を重ねてきているので、本日は特に、議論が活発に行われ、PDAの流れをよく承知し、英語でのやりとりが進んでいました。特に、チームでメモを渡し合ったり、時間を使い切るほどの話しぶり、POIも何度あり、ノートテイキングもとりいれているなど、これまでのアドバイスをしっかりと取り込んでいました。

Finally today, students were given their self-reflection sheets up until now and encouraged to read them and reflect on their progress so far because the PDA program is half completed. We are very please with everyone so far and look forward to more improvements over the coming sessions.

これまでのリフレクションシートを返却しましたので、もう一度読み返し、自分の進歩のあとを確認し、さらにステップアップして欲しいと思います。 大いに期待しています。

Good job eveyone!

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