Hibari 探究プロジェクト - 雲雀丘学園中学校・高等学校

グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕


2021年度 第5回即興型英語ディベート

On October 20th (Wed.), the fifth PDA session was held. This time students were shown how to effectively rebut the opposing team's ideas. They were taught the following pattern:



1. State what the other team said. まず相手側の発言を述べる

2. Say in what way it is not good, for example, that it is false or irrelevant.


3. Explain why. 理由を説明する

4. Conclude that their argument is not strong. 相手の論理の方が劣ることを結論として述べる

They were also given various phrases to use for each step of this process, which were distributed via Google Classrooms.  使える表現も Google Classroomで配信されました。

The first debate motion was "Everyone should live in apartments instead of houses." and the second was "Mandatory paternity leave should be introduced." Again, the students' debates were very active. Many students challenged each other with POIs and used the advice for rebutting well. This was noted in the final comments by the PDA Association instructor, so very good job everyone! 本日の論題は「みんなが1戸建てよりはマンションに住む方がよい」、「男性の育児休暇が義務づけられるべきである」。生徒たちは活発に議論に臨み、POIや反論に際してのアドバイスをよく取り入れていたと、ジャッジからのコメントもありました。今回もよくがんばりました!

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