Hibari 探究プロジェクト - 雲雀丘学園中学校・高等学校

グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕



On Monday February 5th, we held the final English debate meeting for all members of this academic year.

First, all students took part in a final round. The motion for the debate was "Self-driving cars do more harm than good." (自動運転車は、利益より害をもたらす。) These debates went very smoothly and after receiving comments from the judges, we prepared for the exhibition debate.

Every year, we select the best debaters to take part in an exhibition debate. This year, we selected the debaters based on the number of POI and Best Debater Awards earned. We selected the top six - Ms. T, Mr. Ok and Mr. On were one team and Mr. K, Ms. S and Ms. O were other. The members of the second team were our National Tournament team, so we gave the other team the choice of being the government or opposition. They chose government and the preparation time began.

While the teams were preparing, it was explained that the debate would be decided by three votes - one from a combination of all the student votes, one from a member of our Global Research Division who had won a judging award at the national tournament, and one from the PDA lead staff member.

The exhibition debate motion was "Government should restrict the time spent on online games." (国は、(PCおよびスマホの)オンラインゲームの利用時間を規制すべきである。) The six debaters gave a great exhibition as they explained their ideas, and challenged each other with POIs. Our national team members used their experience well and were declared the winners - Congratulations!

After the debating, the PDA and Global Division staff gave various praise to the exhibition debaters and all the PDA participants this year. 2023-24 has been a wonderful year for English debating at our school. We have had a record number of participants, we increased the number of meetings we held, we took part in the summer camp, practiced against other schools using PDA's online matching system, we had many members interested in the national tournament, and we achieved our best ever result at the national tournament by getting an honourable mention for coming 14th out of 78 schools from all across Japan. To all the students this year, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! We hope many of you join us again in our 2024-25 activities.

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