Hibari 探究プロジェクト - 雲雀丘学園中学校・高等学校

グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕



On September 27th, two of our PDA students used the online debating system to debate this topic: " Countries around the world should actively promote immigration policies (世界は移民政策を推進するべきである。)." Our team was the opposition team, so they were arguing that this was not a good idea. 本校は否定側でした。 

The government team was very strong and our team lost the debate, however, the experience had two useful benefits for our students. First, it showed them what high level competitive debate is like. Many of our debaters are beginners, so this is not an experience that can get within our school. Also, the judge gave many useful pieces of advice to us. This included: carefully analyzing the motion; identifying stakeholders and explaining the impact ideas in more detail.

肯定側の生徒たちは非常に強く、本校は負けてしまいましたが、2つの点で、とても有意義な次につながる取り組みでした。一つは、ハイレベルのディベートを経験し、そのテンポや展開を知ったこと。もう一つは、対戦後にジャッジが多くの示唆に富むアドバイス ー 与えられたテーマを注意深く分析すること、ステークホルダーは誰なのかを明確にすることなど ーを示してくれたことです。

Although it was a tough match, we are sure we can use this to improve in the future and will continue to use the online debate system.


  • Planning (2).jpg
  • Debating.jpg
