グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕
I have done my year in the USA and have already been in Japan. I will write down my memories in the USA from the second half of May to the departure day. May 27th was the USA's Memorial Day, which was to honor and mourn the U.S. military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties. I helped with my host brother's Boy Scout activity, which was to clean up the graves of the military people and put the flags next to them.
I went to a camp with my host family. We departed right after school on Friday and stayed there until Sunday morning. Our CAP friend, Dolly came with us too. We went to the beach several times, walked with our dogs, ate good meals, had a campfire, and so on. The news showed we could see Aurora on that late night. I regret that I could not wake up late night to watch Aurora because it is so hard to see it even in Washington State.
But overall, it was a fun campout. The photo of Aurora is which my host mother took, the one who could wake up.
In the civil air patrol, I had two big events. One was WAMA, Washington All Mission Academy, which was an overnight event on a weekend. I took an aerospace class the last time, in February, but I took DFAC(Dining Facility) this time. We cooked 5 meals for about 70 people in the 2 days, It was a good experience to cook for many people. We played the music that each of us liked while we were cooking. I taught them about Japanese pop songs. Everyone seemed satisfied with our meals, and I was glad with that.
The other one was rocket launching, which we did in the usual meeting.
We launched two kinds of them which we have already made in the past. We put explosive chemical medicines in them and launched them from the launching pad. There were two types of rockets, which were the smaller one and the bigger one. There were three types of explosive chemical medicines, which were types A, B, and C. C was the strongest one. The bigger rocket with Type-C chemicals went super high like we could not see it when it was in the highest position. The photo below is the smaller rocket after it fell from the sky. The bigger one was stuck in a tree, so I could catch it.
In the FCCLA club, we cooked meals for local fire stations.
On the last night of the USA, we went to Denny's. I ate a big hamburger and french fries and drank strawberry banana smoothies. It was delicious.
I draw the picture below on the ground of my high school on my last day of high school.
On my last day in the USA, June 23rd, I gave my host family gifts and a thank you card. I told them my appreciation and said goodbye in the Seattle airport.