« 高校1年生 クリティカル・シンキングのハロウィーン授業より | メイン | 【中高英語科より】第1回 授業研究大会 ① »


 The main focus of our lessons has been on developing the ability to communicate meaningful information which centers around the learner’s identity – such as likes and dislikes, talents and hobbies, and his or her daily schedule.

 First semester lessons included intensive pair work and occasional presentations before the entire class. Because of its importance in language learning repetition was plentiful. But personalizing the material in a way that will draw upon the students’ growing awareness of their individuality - the most effective way to increase communication at this age – is how we want to build on what we have studied thus far.

 As one way of minimizing anxiety, hesitation and the fear of making mistakes we recently introduced a competitive but cooperative activity based on UNO, a card game already familiar to all of the students. The particular adaptation of the game we came up with provides, in a relaxed setting, groups of five or six students with prompts for an activity that incorporates reading, speaking and listening. It allows students to review and consolidate previously learned material. It takes the learner from controlled practice to free practice. It will also help teachers check students’ readiness for an assessment of the most recent unit of study (present simple with expressions of time to describe one’s daily routine).

 Initially, student production was somewhat limited. But in successive rounds of the game students could be seen helping and challenging each other. Multiple opportunities and attempts at production, in a competitive but light-hearted atmosphere, gradually produced lengthier utterances, greater fluency and increased confidence. Another advantage of a recursive, reflective activity like this is the impetus it eventually provides for students to engage in self-monitoring and self-correction.

 This type of lesson, with an emphasis on cooperation and mutual encouragement, represents the continuation of an approach started in last year’s grade five classes, but incorporates more opportunities for students to also mentor one another as they mature and as they progress in their study.





(2017/12/5 小学校教諭 ジェームス・バーンズ)