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 EIP(English Interaction and Production)コースの高校1年生の授業では、ボードゲームを使って遊ぶことに大忙しです。「どうして?」と聞きたくなりますよね。高校1年生で学ぶ1つの大きなスキルがディスカッションです。しかし、母語である日本語でもディスカッションをすることはそう簡単なことではありません。すなわち、別の言語でディスカッションをするということは、さらにハードルが高くなるわけです。また、よいディスカッションを成立させるためには、生徒たちが討論するトピックについて身近に感じるかどうかが重要です。雲雀丘の子どもたちは、さまざまな生活経験を持っているので、最初のディスカッションのトピックは、どの生徒も親近感を抱きやすいものにしようと考えました。このような理由で、ボードゲームを使っているわけです。
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Board Game Based Discussion
The high school first-year EIP classes have been hard at work playing board games. “Why?” you may ask. One of the main skills of the H1 classes is discussion. However, even in your native language, discussion can be difficult. So having a discussion in another language is an added level of difficulty. Also, a good discussion requires that each student be familiar with the discussion topic. Given that our students have a wide variety of life experiences our first discussions need to be something that everyone finds accessible. For this reason, we are practicing with board games.
Board games offer students a unique but controlled topic of discussion. The difficulty is not in the discussion topic but in the planning and execution of moves. So, students can participate using the language that they already possess without having to study new vocabulary. Meaning students can focus more on the discussion. Then, when the time comes to have more difficult discussions the students will already have practiced presenting their own ideas and evaluating one another’s.
In this lesson, the students are playing a board game called “Mole Rats in Space”. The game is cooperative and the loss of one player results in everyone’s loss. Thus, students must work together and communicate to ensure everyone’s survival. Because of the nature of the game, each turn requires students to reassess their own piece and communicate dangers and opportunities to their teammates. If students don’t communicate effectively they risk losing the game.
For a homework assignment later in the semester the students will have to try and solve this puzzle. Their goal is to survive all four turns. But all the mole rats have lost their medikits.
When the assignment appears on the high school first grade blog, please ask your children if they can explain the puzzle to you, in English of course.
(中高校ALT カイル・フランクリン)