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A Day at the Japanese Speech Contest

A Day At The Japanese Speech Contest

Malva (Mal-chan) took part in the Japanese Speech Contest at TIFA (Takarazuka International Friendship Association). After a typical ‘obento’ lunch the contest started at 1:00p.m.
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Mal-chan went sixth out of fourteen speakers, ranging from a first year junior high school student W-kun from China, who talked about his first sleep-away trip with his friends in Nara, to Ms.C , who explained how to make a traditional Vietnamese new year treat, to Ms.Y, who recited a short, funny story.
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And she was GREAT! Yes, at first she was a little tense (but everyone is, usually), but after the first introduction part, she was beaming, entertaining, and persuasive in her poignant everyday accounts of her six months in Japan.
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Her friends came from all over to cheer for her (GAMBATTE!); she made new friends (here, she’s enjoying a German harp concert with the fellow speakers).
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And as always, she concluded the day with a pause.

Good job, Mal!