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中2 K.I くん

First, I'd like to say thank you to our teachers, Peter and Juliana. Thanks to you, I felt English is much more interesting. Second, I'd like to say thank you to my host family. You tried to communicate with me again and again in easy English. Thanks to you, I've gotten more positive of learning English. I'll try my best to get closer to English.
Thank you for listening.

中3 S.D さん
5日間の学校生活を終えて、Study Abroad Canadaの先生方に感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。先生方とおしゃべりしたりゲームをしたりすることは、私にとってとても楽しかったです。
また、ホストファミリーの皆さんにも感謝を伝えたいです。毎日楽しい経験をさせてくれてありがとうございました。ショッピングに行ったのとバーベキューでスモアを作ったのが一番楽しかったです。"What would you like to do?"と聞かれた時、うまく答えられませんでした。自分から話しかけることができないのを歯がゆく思います。坊主めくりをしていた時、"What is Hyaku-nin-Isshu?"と聞かれた時もうまく答えることができず、本当に悔しく思いました。"You can come and stay here at any time."と言われた時、もう1つの家族ができたようで、本当に嬉しかったです。今度来るときは、英語でもっとお話しできるようになっていたいです。楽しい時間をありがとうございました。

First, I'd like to say thank you to the teachers of Study Abroad Canada. Now I'm about to end my lovely 5-day school life in Canada.
It was a lot of fun for me to talk and do activities with you.
At the interview on the street, I felt nervous a little, but I got to know the importance of communication. 5 days are very short but very meaningful for my life. Thank you so much.
Also, I'd like to give my biggest thanks to my home stay family. Thank you very much for many good experiences. Going shopping and making s'mores were very special and interesting to me.
As you know, I had some difficulties in communication. Thank you very much for trying communicating with me. You asked me, "What would you like to do?" or "What is Hyaku-nin-isshu?", but I couldn't answer them very well. It was very regrettable for me. You said to me, "You can come back to our house at any time." I felt like I had become a new member of your family. I will come and see you again and I'd like to talk more with me.
Thank you.