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English Diary, Winter 2007-2008

中学2年になる前の春休みから54期生は長い休みのたびにEnglish Diaryを書いています。最初は1、2行で「~がありました」ぐらいの内容だった日記が1年もたたない間に、こんなに豊かな楽しい広がりをみせるようになりました。159人のタペストリーから一部をご紹介しましょう。

・Today is my birthday, but I am a little sick. I was tired today, but I am happy now. Because...well
because I can eat the cake.
・I went to Sintais. There is a white dog. His name is 'Koro.' I became to like him soon. So I said
to him, "Be my friend!" But he bit me on the lip. I had to be sewn three stitches. Oh my god!
・To watch a movie before the Christmas Eve is very beautiful. It is more beautiful than to watch it over the weekend.
・Now I am writing this diary above the clouds. I'm on the plane to go to London.
・Merry Xmas!! I didn't have Santa Claus. I was shocked. HaHaHa.
・I got presents for mom and aunty and Grandfather. I got a T-shirt for my grandfather. I got a belt
for my aunt. I got 2 CDs for my mother.
・I had a cold and a headache and a stomachache and a sore throat. I said, "I am going to die!! I am
going to die!!" to myself. Help me--. But, I watched an afternoon drama.

・I cleaned my room today. It became very beautiful. I feel great. I am looking forward to
・Tomorrow is 2008!! It will be a happy day for everyone...but not for me. Why?! Because my
grandmother's restaurant is very...very...very busy!! Oh, my god!! Everyone is in 'kotatsu' and
eating 'mikan,' so it's "Happy New Year." But I will be saying, "Welcome, welcome. Oh, open new
year..." No---!! Help me.
・I got up at seven thirty. We went to the spa and had breakfast. Then we went to MeotoIwa. It
was cold and windy, but I could take pictures. We wished our new year's good luck.
・I went to Kobe Sanda Premium Outlets to buy a sweater. I have wanted it for ages. It's an Argyll
sweater. The color is pink and gray and black. The dress shop was having a half-price sale. I was
very lucky.
・I spent the day slowly today without studying. This is sometimes necessary on such a day like
・It snowed today. We got the first snow of this winter. I'm at home all day. I do my winter
homework in the morning. But I was watching TV in the afternoon.
・Mmm...study, study, study, study...... Studying is not fun. I don't like it. Studying never finishes.
I want to go shopping. I love shopping. Shopping is more fun than studying!
・I got up at nine. Father said, "Let's go to the hot spring!" Mother and my little sister and I said,
"Yeah!!" We went to the hot spring. I had a good time.
・Today I had a fever, because I caught it from my mother. So I had a headache, but I have a good
appetite...Why? I ate udon and ice cream a little while ago. I'm going to sleep. Good night(?)
・I played basketball. I enjoyed basketball.