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54ers' English Diary - Spring 2008

雨が降って体育大会が延期になったのは残念ですが、おかげで今日はこの春のEnglish Diaryを紹介できます。前回よりさらにバージョンアップした作品を、お楽しみ下さい。
・I went to Iga and visited 'ninja-yashiki.' I was moved. There were a lot of traps. Ninja made medicine and studied hard. I think ninja is very smart.
・J2 is over. I want to say "Thank you" to my classmates. I have had a lot of happy memories.
・Today is "Higan-Ake." I visited the grave with mother, grandmother, and grandfather. We cleaned the grave. First I watered the grave. Then I wiped it steadily. Lastly I put flowers in front of it, and we prayed. I was filled with thanks for my ancestors.
・My friend lives in Okayama. I was looking forward to seeing him. So I went to Okayama today.

・The Swimming Club met for the last time this year. While everyone was in the pool, I studied mathematics. I have just finished it, so I am very happy. But...I wanted to be in the pool, so I am very sad.
・I went camping. I tried the wild grass hunt. I picked horsetails.
・What's today? It's April Fool's Day! So I said, "I won't hear anything!!!! Oh~what can I do~?" in the morning. And comes my sister. She said, "A----------!!!!" by my ear! I said, "A~~~GHHHH!!!!" and she left.
・I played the piano at Mitsunaka Hall. My piano was listened to by a lot of people. I was very nervous, so I walked strangely (so I heard). I was very nervous!! So I missed. I was very nervous!!! So I don't remember playing the piano. I was shocked by these things.
・Today is "hanami biyori." With my friends I went to Ashiyagawa. Look...very beautiful. We ate lunch and played soccer. But!! I hear 'dobun'→What?? Look...my friends fell into the river!! Very funny!!
・In the evening, my grandfather came to my house. He made tanin-don for us. But my brother said, "I like oyako-don better."
・I am in danger now, because I have not finished homework. So I will try hard!
・4/1: I slept all day. 4/2: I slept all day too. 4/3: I slept all day too. 4/9: I had a lot of homework. I must finish it. But, I slept. I think I am very, very foolish.
