« 2月10日 高校入試A日程・自宅学習日・英単語大テスト2日前・English Diary第11回 | メイン | 2月12日 英単語大テスト・English Diary第13回・明日は街頭募金 »

2月11日 英単語大テスト1日前・English Diary第12回・大学の学費

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冬休みの課題English Diaryの紹介第12回です。
26 December, Sunny but cold!!
・Today I went to another X’mas party. It was going to dinner with my friends. We took some pictures and ate many things. I felt the most enjoyable thing was talking!! It’s so much fun for me and my friends. Next, we will go to the cinema. I’m so looking forward to it.♡
・I got up at 7:00. I left home at 7:30. My friends assembled in Umeda. Everyone went to the hotel. After that we studied all subjects all the time. I studied hard.
・Today I stayed in Hotel Cosmosquare to study. I studied hard, and it was very fun because I studied with my friends. I like Japanese Language the best of all subjects. So I enjoyed the class. I want to gain English power!
・We went to a hotel to study with our classmates. We studied for nine hours every day. It was very hard but I enjoyed it.
・I went to the port after a long time today. The sea was still beautiful though it was very cold as usual. And the sea breeze was pleasant. I thought, “I want you not to change for a long time.”