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 自分の意見を英語で相手に伝えるというのは、グローバル時代を生きる私たちにとって大切なスキルです。前回のブログで、小学校が “Show and Tell”のことを取り上げていたように、このスキルは英語教育において比較的早い時期より開始し、発展させることができます。中学1年生の授業では、普段から “Show & Tell”の活動を取り入れています。もちろん、小学生のものと比べると長いですし、それぞれのスピーチの後に短い質問のセッションを設けることで話し手にも聞き手にもチャレンジすることも求めています。中学1年生の生徒にとって、英語で質問を作ったり、尋ねたり、答えたりすることは、簡単ではないのがまだごく自然なことです。これを練習するために、私たちは「質問を作る」授業を考えました。
From a first-year junior high school lesson…

Presenting your ideas in English to an audience is an important skill in the global era we live in. As shown by the elementary school’s use of show and tell speeches, these skills can be developed from early in a student’s English education. In the first-year junior high school lessons we continue this and students have regularly been doing Show and Tell speeches. Of course, these are longer, and we also challenge both the presenters and the audience by having a short Q&A session after each speech. Naturally, for first grade junior high school students, making, asking and answering questions in English spontaneously is not easy. To practice this we conducted a question-making lesson.

In this lesson, we gave the students prompts, for instance, “I like basketball.” Then, they had to make questions in groups. They had to make as many as possible, and we set a time limit to challenge them to work together quickly. The students were very active and worked well to make many questions. When they asked their questions, we also wrote them on the blackboard so that everyone could see what the class had achieved. The average number of questions was fifteen, which is impressive for a simple prompt such as “I like basketball.”

Although it was a simple activity, we were happy to see the variety of questions they produced because that showed a connection between these speaking-focused classes and their English grammar lessons. Also, we were pleased to see the students using their dictionaries and grammar-course textbooks as they actively sought ways to ask different questions. This kind of active approach will help them become successful independent learners in the future. Finally, it was great to see them enjoying the activity and helping each other because that is the kind of classroom atmosphere we are aiming to promote during lessons.

(中高校教諭 スティーブン スワン)