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Welcome to English Interaction and Production

Last week, Ms. Shimoyama introduced the new EIP course. In this blog post, we would like to tell you a little more about the new course. In this course, there is a focus on meaningful communication. This is achieved by giving the students a variety of language tasks to complete. These tasks are not simply activities, but are designed to create a genuine need to communicate in English. In this way, they more closely replicate real-life communication and therefore prepare students for their futures as members of the global community. Importantly, these kinds of activities are started from the beginning of the course in the junior high school first grade and continue until they graduate so that students become accustomed to the kinds of requirements and pressures that go with communicating in another language. The pictures below demonstrate how we will consistently use such tasks:
As well as these communication tasks, which are usually done in pairs or groups, there will also be regular opportunities to speak in front of the class or in front of groups of students. These chances are given to push students to use their best English, because they will naturally be more careful if they are speaking to an audience. The presentation chances also give the students valuable public speaking practice, which is another important skill in the modern world.
Please look out for more posts about the EIP course!

(中高校教諭 スティーブン スワン)