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Impressions of Japan and Hibarigaoka Gakuen
Japan is wonderful. Since I was very young, I have always wanted to visit the country, and now that I'm here, I see how friendly and kind the people are and how beautiful the land is, despite its urbanization.
It is very different from America in that sense. Everywhere I go here reminds me of something unique from Japan's history, whether it be a shrine in the middle of a shopping district or the style of a family's home, whereas in America, such things are harder to come across. It really opened my eyes to this society's culture.
Hibarigaoka Gakuen has given me a wonderful experience as well during my short stay.
Ever since I arrived on June 5th, I have felt like I was, and still am, welcomed. The teachers, like Mr. Goda, and the students have made it easier on the drastic changes in education by being so helpful.
They really are a team, unlike in America, where the focus is on the individual.
I really appreciate eveyone who has helped me while I've been here. It has given me a wonderful impression of the Japanese people. I am glad to know there are still such kind people in the world.
Also, I appreciate the chance to go to Hibarigaoka Gakuen. It has made my visit only that more interesting and pleasant. Thank you all!