« 高1国際科F組JICA訪問研修 | メイン | アメリカからの留学生を紹介します »

STUDENT from Australia

I wanted to come to Japan because I though it would be completely different from Australia and I was right! At first, I thought it might be difficult to get used to the differences but surprisingly things have been running quite smoothly.
I think ひばり がおか is a good school and although the dress code is pretty strict, I’m enjoying my time here. The teachers and the students are really kind and are always willing to help me when I’m a little confused. 
I was surprised at how long it takes to get to school. For me, it’s an hour by train and walking, which I’ve heard is pretty standard, but some students have to travel for 2 hours or so!!!
I was also shocked at how much people study here, for example a few girls in my class study until 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning! I tried it myself but by 10:30pm I just had to go to bed. These students are truly dedicated!
My host family, are nice people too and they feed me a lot! But that’s ok because the food is so yummy here. Go まっちゃ and シュークリーム!

There are a lot of things that have surprised me about Japan and most of them have been all good.  I think one word to describe this country would have to be: おもしろい!

ひばりがおかが よい学校 と思います。先生も学生もが私にしんせつです。学生がたくさん勉強するので,びっくりしました。生徒達はとてもべんきょうねっしんです。