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What’s your honest impression about Japanese life and culture ?
  Japan has treated me very well so far, and most of the time I am enjoying myself to the fullest. Life in Japan is of course very different from my life back home in Finland, but that was to be expected when I first embarked on this journey. I think I had pretty realistic expectations, and thus no difference has really surprised me.
  School in Japan is certainly way more though then it’s Finnish counterpart, but all the personnel and students at Hibarigaoka-Gakuen have been wonderful to me. I’m very happy that I’ve been able to make so many new friends in this school, and I hope I’ll be able to make some more as the rest of my time in Japan flows by. I’m always happy to get to know new people (This is hint for you all, that if you happen to see me stumbling around, grab me by the sleeve and talk to me!)
  The bottom line is, that I am having a great time in Japan, and I have no reason to believe that this fact is going to change during the next 6 months. On the contrary, I feel that my days just keep on getting better and better as my knowledge in Japanese language and culture grow.