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What's new from NZ! No.17

Today morning, we had a writing tast.
Its contents are "Make a essay about 'Keep Ourselves Healthy,'
but over 200 words and over 16 sentences."
Honestly, it was very hard for me.

After that we talked our teacher one by one.
I think maybe it was a speaking test.

We practiced "haka" today afternoon.
It was very difficult for me. But I had a good time.
Haka is the dancing of maori.
It uses two sticks. And their name is "maori sticks."
You use them to toss your partner. We made them the other day.

After that, we got a list of students' grades about afternoon class.
My grade was "A+." So I was a little relieved.
But maybe my grade about morning classes was dubious.

After shcool, I play tabletennis with my friends.
I really had very good time because I like tabletennis so much!

Homestay will finish in a few days. I am very sad.
But it is no use worrying about it.
I'm going to enjoy!!

from R.S.