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We are enjoying our New Zealand life!
In the morning, we take a lesson. Of course only English!!!
The teacher explains some words we do not understand in English.
It is very difficult but it becomes good study.
When everyone is tired, we have morning tea time!
We eat fruits, chocolate, cookies and so on.
We are looking forward to this time.

Today, we had a special event! It was an exchange with local high school students.
We talked with the New Zealand students about their jobs and our bills, and so on.
In New Zealand, many students have jobs! I think it is very interesting!
New Zealand bills have native birds and famous New Zealand people on them. In addition, it is made from a plastic material that will not rip.
They are different from Japan.

We are having a very good time. New Zealand students, thank you for teaching us about New Zealand.
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(H.S. タウランガコース)