« 2月13日 臨時休業・街頭募金・「新聞を読む」・「新聞を読む」感想紹介・English Diary第14回 | メイン | 2月15日 英単語テスト返却・「新聞を読む」感想紹介第3回・English Diary第16回 »

2月14日 「新聞を読む」感想紹介第2回・English Diary第15回

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冬休みの課題English Diaryの紹介第15回です。
29 December, Sunny
・Today I was watching a movie in my house. The movie was very fun. Then I went to an inn with my mother. But I wasn’t drinking alcohol. It is natural. I want to go there again.
・I got up at 6:00. Today I had last club of the year. We finished the club at 12:00. I got home at 13:00. I was tired, so I slept.
・I went shopping with my friends in Itami. I wanted to buy cute things. But after lunch we had a chat for about two hours at the restaurant. So we didn’t buy anything nice. We went to see a movie. It was “ONE PIECE,” which is immensely popular among young people. I was moved by the story. We went to an all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu restaurant. I ate too much and chatted too much. I had a nice day!
・Today I got up at 8:30. Then I went from Kyoto Station to Inari. I went to Fushimi Inari, West Honganji, and Nishiki with my grandfather. I took many pictures there. Today was a very exciting day.