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2月18日 明日の頭髪検査のお知らせ・English Diary第19回

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冬休みの課題English Diaryの紹介第19回 ようやく新年になりました。
1 January, Sunny sometimes cloudy
・I climbed the Myoken Mountain with my friends. I went to see the first sunrise. It was very beautiful. I will see it next year too.
・A Happy New Year. I hope this year will be much better than last year. Let’s enjoy the year of 2010!☺
・Today is the first day of the year. I got a mysterious New Year’s card. There was no name on the card, but his address and message were written there. Perhaps the sender is my friend. Who is he?
・After getting up, I prayed for the world peace at my temple. After that we had a new year party with my family. Then my family gave me otoshidama.
・~A Happy New Year~ Today I went to my grandfather’s house in Nara with my family. And my grandmother made a lot of osechi for me. It was very delicious and we ate quickly. Dinner was sukiyaki. I like sukiyaki very much. So I ate a lot of meat. Then we enjoyed playing cards. I was very happy.

