
- ホーム
- 親孝行・やってみなはれ

I was born on a dairy farm. I followed my mother and father around the farm every day until the day I went to kindergarten. On the farm, everyone has a job. My job was to feed the baby cows. Was it fun? Most of the time! But sometimes it was hard. I remember learning from my parent’s words but mostly from their actions,“We don’t give up until our job is done.” My parents always tried to make the farm a place that my siblings and I wanted to be. Even when it was hard, we had fun taking care of the cows together because we had purpose.
When I was in high school my track and field coach told our team everyday “Your attitude IS EVERYTHING!” She was also a science teacher. She told us to look at the bumble bee. It’s body is so big and has such small wings. It’s shape makes it impossible to fly but yet it does without complaints. How is that possible? Our team’s conclusion was because the bee has a positive, can-do attitude with a purpose. That attitude allows it to work until the job is done. Our track team knew we need to have the same attitude to win so we all enjoyed working hard until the of each day. At the end of the season, we knew we had something more important than any trophy or championship.
I want pass that attitude onto my students as well.
高校生のとき、陸上競技のコーチは毎日チームに「あなたたちの臨む姿勢がすべてです!」と言っていました。彼女は理科の教師でもありました。彼女は蜂(bumble bee マルハナバチ)を例に話してくれました。その体はとても大きく、翼は小さいのです。その形状は飛行に適していませんが、彼らは無心に飛びます。できないことはない!チームの目標は、蜂のように前向きな態度を持って、最後まで努力するということでした。私たちの陸上チームは、勝つために同じ姿勢をとる必要があることを知っていたので、私たちは皆、毎日楽しんでハードな練習していました。シーズンの終わりには、物質的なトロフィーやチャンピオンシップよりも大切なもの(前向きな気持ちで練習を重ねる)があることが分かりました。
(小学校 英語専科 松本 セイラ)