

ESS部 シナリオリーディングコンテスト優勝!!




The 2024 Hanshin ESS Union Scenario Reading Contest has been completed. In addition to the contest, it was another great opportunity for our students to meet their peers from other schools. They enjoyed some games hosted by the Hanshin ESS Union student leadership including H. K. from our school.

            As for the contest, this year we had seven competing schools Kwansei, Nada, Shukugawa, Hibari, Keimei, Mukogawa, and a first time participant Fukiai High School. All the schools delivered excellent recitations with many performing original scripts based on their favorite stories. An exciting point of some of the stories this year was the use of meta-narratives in which narratives contained additional narratives or broke the 4th wall. Hibari performed an original script written by the Hibari ESS captain C. K. The script combined the dire myth of hiccupping 100 times and a modern story of a school trip to Singapore.

            After the judging had finished, awards were given. Nada placed third with their science fiction recitation. Kwansei placed second with their fairy tale recitation. Finally, Hibarigaoka achieved first place for their strong efforts. So it is with great joy that we again congratulate Captain C.K., Vice-Captain A. M., Secretary L.M., and the ESS members T.N., Y.T., H.O., and R. O.

