留学レポート from New Zealand⑤
New Zealandからの留学レポート⑤です。
留学生活も2ヶ月が経過し、現地での生活にも慣れ、充実した日々を送っている様子が伝わってきます。今回のレポートでは、日本にはない"mufti day"というイベントを紹介してくれています。
Yesterday, our school was mufti day. On mufti day, we don't have to wear our school uniforms. Instead of wearing the uniforms, we can wear any kinds of clothes. Some students wore their casual clothes, and others wore mascot costumes.
It was a special day yesterday, so hot dogs were sold for free. I donated 2 dollars for charity. My school has mufti day 7 times a year.
My friends hold the farewell party for me. I don’t want to leave New Zealand. I have only about 1 more week. I’m going to spend the rest of the time to explore New Zealand with my host family. By the way, I went to Wellington with my host family few weeks ago. I took the picture at the street called Cuba Street. It is a place I’ve wanted to visit.