What’s your honest impression about Japanese life and culture ?
So far my impression of Japan has been very good. I came to Japan because my main subject of study is Japanese. I wanted to learn more of the language from native people, and so far I haven’t been the slightest bit disappointed.
Before I came to Japan I imagined the country as maybe more special, like those night time photos of the neon-light seas of central Tokyo. When I arrived, I found that Japan is more normal and down-to-earth than most people outside Japan think.
People in Japan are very helpful. For example, the first time I had to use the trains in Japan, it was very overwhelming and difficult. That was, until some people just came up to me and gave me a very good explanation on how to use the trains.
It has been easy to make many new friends. My friends have been happy to introduce me to different places around Osaka, and if there is a word in Japanese I cannot understand, they will work hard to teach me.
I’ve also noticed, that women in Japan are unbelievably hard working. They might have a job of their own, while on the side they keep up the whole household. Rarely do I see my host mother in the same place for more than a few seconds.
Another thing is, that when I go around the big city of Osaka, I don’t feel the least bit afraid for my safety. In general, people in Japan seem very honest. I rarely hear of criminal activity like thievery, which is much more common in Thailand.
Life in Japan feels very comfortable. For example, many shops are open all around the week until very late hours, and there are vending machines around every corner.