カナダ語学研修 渡航前最終説明会
Yesterday afternoon the final meeting before the junior high school students go to Canada was held. First, the teacher who will accompany the students, introduced himself. He stressed that his role is to support the students, but that they should make efforts to be independent while in Canada. Next, staff from JTB GAIAREC, Inc. confirmed various important points, such as suitcase sizes, insurance-related matters, and where and when to meet on the departure day. Also, the teacher who accompanied students last year, gave some tips based on her experiences. Finally, the participants are told to write a report for one day of the trip so that those experiences can be shared when they return.
We hope students to have a great time in Canada!
なおEnglish Zone事前学習を終えた人はカードをグローバル教育部に提出してください。