Hello everyone, would you like to try a new experience? Then I am happy to announce that this summer the Global Division will host a megagame for interested students. Megagames are a great way to practice your soft skills such as communication, teamwork, negotiation, and strategic thinking.
“But what is a mega game?” you may ask. Well, let me tell you.
A megagame is like a large board game with some role-playing mixed in. Students who have taken the EIP 4 class will be familiar with role-play. For our new students, role-play is taking on a role in a game. It is a bit like being in a theater play. A megagame also has more players, in this case around 40 players, but don’t worry you won’t play on your own. Each person will be in a team of 4 people and together you can try to win the game.
In the game we will be playing, it is the year 2025 and aliens have come to Earth! Teams of students will represent governments from around the world, the world media, and even the aliens. Those teams will have to negotiate with each other to deal with this global crisis. Will you tell your citizens about the aliens? Will you try to steal alien technology? Will you spy on other countries? Will you decide to fight the aliens? These are the kinds of problems you will have to solve.