On 19th March, we attended the UN Senior High School Students' Seminar at JICA Hyogo, where we thought about forests. First I could see a signboard written in many languages and West Asian native musical instruments. I thought that they are worthy of UN.
In the Seminar, at first, I listened to a lecture given by the teacher at Kobe University. It was about importance of forests and "The carbon savings bank”. The heart of the lecture was "What Hayao Miyazaki wanted to appeal in 'Laputa: Castle in the Sky' ". It was very comprehensible. Moreover, as English Native speakers attended the Seminar too, he explained in both Japanese and English. I thought he was awesome!
After that, we discussed forest in many groups. There was an English native speaker by a group, and the native speaker forwarded the talk. Our group had three students from Hibarigaoka and three students from International Department of high school in local. We could hardly speak our opinions, but they who came from the local high school spoke their opinion steadily in fast and fluent English. I thought they were so cool!
In the discussion, we discussed the importance of "The carbon savings bank”, carbon storage in forests and society. Y.T.